There are two ways to find grid models - Searching and Browsing.


The Search Menu Option allows you to specify precise model criteria and ordering.


The Browse menu options allow you to go through collections in a variety of ways -

Browse by Community/Collection takes you through the communities in alphabetical  order and allows you to see the collections within each community.

Browse by Popularity allows you to move through the most referenced Communities, Authors, Subjects, and Dates.

Browse by Title allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all titles of items in BetterGrids.

Browse by Author allows you to move through an alphabetical list of all authors of items in BetterGrids.

Browse by Subject allows you to move through an alphabetical list of subjects assigned to items in BetterGrids.

Browse by Issue Date allows you to move through a list of all items in BetterGrids in reverse chronological order.